The Book
The Beauty of the TRUTH:
Arguably one of the most beautiful documents ever penned, the Heidelberg Catechism stands as a shining jewel of the Protestant Reformation. Written in the form of questions and answers, it is both a learning tool and a confession of faith that explains Reformed doctrine in its most practical application: spiritual comfort. To see its truth is to see its comfort, and to see its comfort is to see its beauty.
The Beauty of the Truth explores the beauty of the doctrine contained in the Heidelberg Catechism through the eyes of artist and author, Connie L. Meyer, as she explains how looking at the catechism from an artistic point of view yields a perspective that further reveals not only its beauty but also its truth. What is thy only comfort in life and death? That is the catechism’s first question. And in the end, the whole of the catechism constitutes that question’s answer. That answer is truth, and that answer is beauty.
By discovering how the same principles of artistic design apply not only to objects of visual beauty but also to the truth as it is contained in the Reformed faith and especially in the Heidelberg Catechism, the reader is led to further see and appreciate how it is that truth and beauty are one. And seeing that—glorifies God.
The book is accessible to both young adult and adult readers, making it suitable for educational purposes as well as for personal edification. In its current form the body of the book is only forty pages long. The back half of the book contains the Heidelberg Catechism itself in photographic form as it was published in an American 1888 edition.
Other Infos
Religion & Spirituality
Book Genre
LifeRich Publishing
96 Pages
Page Length